Awesome. This seems incredibly practical and not overwhelming. Perhaps a good practice is to recognize in which stage we are during some situation during the day.

Thank you

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That is exactly right! The phases gain more meaning and become clearer when applied to everyday experience.

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I've been following you for some time now, and have enjoyed your presentations. So I'm gave your four phases a test run. I'm going get a text that had a bunch of letters on it from a language, I did not know. Some I enjoyed the form of the letters and their arrangement, Phase one. I then went to go through the other three phases with alphabet, words, sentences and ideas born from the text. Keeping in mind your for phases.

Keep up the great work!

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I am curious if you have explored the alternative where experience comes before perception? Does this make sense to you if framed this way?

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PhiloSign comments on this in Episode 3:

“We cannot experience or inquire a salient object, before we have perceptual habits that enable us to abstract something particular to focus on. We can’t understand the regularities or patterns guiding the object, before the objects that participate in those patterns have embodied information and become clear. And we can’t be sharing symbolic information about the generalities of the world, before we are fluidly participating and understanding the regularities.”

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